Friday, November 29, 2013

original images

These are the original images I have used either on the front cover, contents or the feature article.

This is the main imagine I used on the contents page as it is of a high quality, and has lighting shining on her face making the image brighter representing the target audience.

This is the original image of my model for my contents page

This is the original image from my contents page

this is my original image from my contents

this is my original image from my contents page

this is my original image from my contents page

this is my original image of my model from my contents page

I used this on my feature page because It fitted well with the story and it a natural photo something that the target audience would be able to link to

I used this on my front page as it fits with the story to go with it, and everything but the hands are blurred giving it a good effect.

I used this as a small image on my front cover as it fits well with the rest, and the image is of a high quality.

I wouldn't use this image as my model clearly isn't ready and the image is slightly blurred, if I used this image it would of lowered the quality of the magazine.

I used this on my double page spread as the image is of a high quality and fits to the target audience needs, it also slots in nicely with the story.

I used this as my main image on my front cover as its bright and fully represents my target audience, the image is of a high quality and its not blurry at all.

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