Friday, November 29, 2013

feature article draft

So Eloise, are we correct in saying this year has definitely been a bit of a roller coaster for you?

Yes! Its had it’s ups and downs but there isn’t anything I would do to change it, I think it’s turned me into a stronger person.

You were targeted by Twitter trolls after a short romance with Adam Payne, how was that for you?

Well It really impacted my life, I wasn’t accepting job offers, I felt really self conscious whenever I left the house, so after a while I stopped leaving my home. I just didn’t feel safe anymore. But luckily one of my friends recommended seeing a councilor, and slowly but surely I was getting my confidence back piece by piece, and now I have more confidence than ever but I couldn't of done it without my fans!

Are the rumors true that we will be seeing you on the cinema screen again?

Yes! I’m currently filming for a movie that’s going to be huge I’m so excited for it to be released.

You’ve been hanging out with co-star Sam a lot since filming this movie, you’ve even
seen each other in your free time, is there anything going on there?

*Laughs* We were wondering when the rumours were going to start! He’s a good friend to me and I know he’s always there for me, we run through lines together and hanging out in our free time makes things less awkward on set. I’ve just split up from Adam, so there is no way i'm going to rush into another relationship!

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