These are screen shots from me making my contents page.
Firstly for my contents page I used the same colour scheme as I did on my front cover to follow the common conventions and give my magazine a professional look. I firstly used a rectangular tool to make a white box where there would be text and images and used that tool to create the purple box behind it and below it. I then used the transform tool to make the purple box behind it be slanted at an angle, making the contents look more interesting and not plain and boring. I then used the text tool to place the 'contents' at the top of this page which is sticking to common conventions so it is clear to the audience what this page is. I picked the colour as black because if I had used pink it would be too much colour on the page and it wouldn't be as great to look at.
I then added a white box using the rectangle tool and then added a black outline around it so it would stand out on the page, I will then go on to add text into this box and by using a box it will help separate the writing on the page to make it look more adventurous for the audience as not plain and boring.
After I finished that I then added an image of the star vehicle, which is different to the image on the front cover. By placing this image in the middle it will be one of the first images the readers will see. I increased the brightness of the image, and I done a few basic editing such as airbrushing. I put the page number below the image I done this by using the text tool so when the audience see it they can easily turn to that page. Next I added a quote so the potential audience can get an idea of what is happening on that page, it also creates suspense as the readers would want to find out more.
I then carefully planned where I would place my images and put the page numbers next to the images, and then I added text into the smaller text box using the text tool, I chose black because it stand out and there is already going to be a lot of colour on this page so I dont want to make it look to painful to look at. I decided to use a subheading because it will make the audience feel more mature, and I have also used the same font as the 'contents' which makes it fit together.
Next I added page numbers in the text box using the text tool in the same font and colour as the rest of the page numbers I placed everywhere else, making it look tidy and having it all flow together, The text is the same colour as the background making the page fit together, it also represents the audience as its not a mature colour such as black and its girly and playful.
Then I used the text tool to add the text in the text box using lexis that would attract the reader by using stories the would intrigue to the target audience. Some lexis that I used included using rhetorical questions so the reader feels engaged in the magazine and sounds like they're directly talking to you. I then added images to the banner going along the bottom, I brightened the images and then done some simple editing to them, I left enough room so I could then write something to go with the images.
After I had finished doing that I used the text tool to add other quotes or main stories under the images I done this so it gives a sneak preview of what will be on the page. I gave all the main writing on that page the same colour to make it look more professional and it also sticks to the colour scheme and doesn't look so sickly to look at. I chose to do the key featuring words in a different font such as 'exclusive' as this attracts the readers attention. I then added an Image and text to the left hand side giving information on the editor so the audience can see who has placed this magazine together, it will also make the reader feel as though the editor has personally wrote it to them and gives off a friendly vibe. I then put in a different font and colour beneath it and I used a font that looked like handwriting so it looked as though she really wrote it. I then went to the banner down the bottom and added text using the text tool, I picked a white font to stand out from the purple background as that was the colour that seemed to stand out the most, and using text such as 'new pop band alert' it would intrigue reader as when your at that age you want to be the first to know everything, the font also fits with the little sub heading below the images which makes it flow together.
I then used the custom shape tool and chose to use an arrow to show the direction of what page the story is going to be on. Now this is my finished contents page.
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