Friday, October 3, 2014

Research into editing

This year I want to improve my editing skills, so I researched photoshop tutorials to make my work look professional.

I looked upon youtube tutorial videos to improve my photoshop skills and help edit my photos. I first of all researched this video so I could get tips on how to create my own.

I looked at how to make my models flawless in photoshop by airbrushing their face to make them look immaculate. As I am doing a fashion magazine its important that my models look flawless as that is a common convention in a fashion magazine as the models always look flawless.

I then researched on youtube how to place an image in the text. You have to have your text in illustrator, and the text behind it, which you send to the back. next you have to go to Type>Create outlines. Then Object> compound path> make. After you make sure everything is selected, then go to object> clipping mask> make and then it should be complete.

This will come in handy when I make my mast head 

1 comment:

  1. • There is proficient skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation
