Mcdonalds have used this billboard which is aimed at both genders and its also aimed at everyone who likes mcdonalds. this Billboard is aimed at everyone of every culture as it no perticular writing on it in one language and this adverts isnt hard to understand however in very small writing underneath the mcdonalds logo they have the slogan 'im lovin' it' which is in british/american which suggests that this advert is in either countries where people speak the language. The layout has lots of medium sized images and arrows pointing to them with numbers at the bottom which makes it looks like different planets. This billboard is very eyecatching as its red and would instantly draw your attention to it as it just one solid block colour which makes the burgers stand out it almost looks like they are showing off there breakfast menus as the numbers are numbers from the morning and they are all foods from there mcbreakfastses.
Apple have used this billboard as its eyecatching. The target audience for this billboard is of a younger generation so mostly 15+ as the colours are bright and younger people are more 'in' with technology and are likely to listen to it on the go, these colours suit both genders so i would say its aimed at genders.The white background makes the ipod colours stand out even more and creates the illusion that the colour is oozing out of it. There is the typical apple logo in the right hand corner which represents apple showing its there product, The writing that is used shows that its english/american but as apple is a world wide company this product would be availible in other countries the writing colour is a multicoloured rainbow which fits with the product they are selling
For the layout it is kept quite simple with the images going across the middle and writing on the right hand side. The iPods aren't all perfectly placed in a line, they are 'messily' on a row with the 'ink' from the iPod running down the page which looks 3D to give audience a feel that they really are dripping. Maybe They decided to use this advert to show that there iPod is so new the paint hasn't even dried yet?
The typography that has been used will suit the audience as you'll recognise the apple logo so instantly be able to attach the product back to the brand, and the colour text stands out brightly on the billboard, also it has all the colours in the typography to match the iPods
This is a billboard for chanel sunglasses advert. This billboard is aimed at females aged 20+ in a demographic band of A-C1 you can immediately see that it aimed at higher class audience due to whats being shown in the advert as the billboard looks professional and because of the brand name.
for layout, the image is a close up studio shot and takes up half of the billboard space with the text on the left. it has a white background meaning the image and text stand out more and really capture your eye. I think the layout is simple due to it being aimed at a higher class target audience
The colour palette is kept to simple primary colours. of white black and yellow. he white being the background, the black being the clothes the models wearing and the yellow sunglasses. these colours all stand out against each other
• There is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience