Thursday, December 18, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
I didn't use any of these images from this shoot as I don't think they were of any use that would fit my magazine
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Double page spread story
Teenage fashion in Cornwall is like stepping into a jumble sale, there’s a bit of everything that would suit anyone. We don’t have the fancy boutiques and the jungle-like shopping centres that the cities possess, however we have a handful of charity shops in the local towns and an odd Topshop or river island here and there. However if you spent a day and walked through Newquay, Truro or Penzance you will notice that no two teenagers are dressed the same whether it be wearing bright eye catching colours or dressed fully in black whatever weather.
During the summer if you head to the seaside villages you will more than likely see people walking round in beach wear, wetsuits and bare feet but if you saw people walking round cities such as London and Bristol dressed in that attire you would indeed think that they were losing the plot, however the sandy feet, ice cream stained t-shirts and sunburnt noses are a thing we have become accustomed to.
When the winter weather starts to take over and the dark skies roll in and the street laps start lighting up the sky is the time that you’d start seeing the knitwear making an appearance. If you fancied doing some late night shopping in truro you will see that it is bursting with vibrance - and I'm not only talking about the lights! your eyes will be drawn all over the place with the array of colours that people will be wearing as they huddle in closer to there clothing to go in-between different shops. from old to young you can see how style has been changing throughout generations and although cornwall might not always get recognised for it, we definitely do have the best style in britain.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Audience Research Billboard
I created another survey to find out what my target audience would like to see on there billboard.
These results show that my audience have an income running from £75,000 to over £100,000 a year so will be in the demographic audience of A1 - C.
I asked how old my audience were and I came back with equal results from people aged between 16 - 20 +.
Again, my results came back as all females.

This shows that everyone that answered this survey is white british, meaning my regional magazine will appeal to them.
This shows my audience is of a straight sexuality.
This shows that the majority wanted big and bold text so I will have to take that into consideration whilst creating my billboard.
This shows that they went the image to be taken outside. luckily cornwall is full of gorgeous scenery so will be easy to capture a breath taking picture.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Genre/Institution Research
for my billboard I thought about where the best place to position my poster would be. I thought that placing it around the out side of top supermarkets in cornwall and near tourist attractions. I researched through the internet a range of printing companies ho make billboards and compared the prices to see what company I could do it cheapest through. The companies I researched were The cornish printing company, BJ press and mis cornwall printing.
The quotes ranged between £350 - £650 for 50 billboards and £1200 - £1700 for 400. I chose the cheapest so I would pay less but carefully place them in popular locations so therefore I would gain more money through this.
The quotes ranged between £350 - £650 for 50 billboards and £1200 - £1700 for 400. I chose the cheapest so I would pay less but carefully place them in popular locations so therefore I would gain more money through this.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Billboard Analysis
Mcdonalds have used this billboard which is aimed at both genders and its also aimed at everyone who likes mcdonalds. this Billboard is aimed at everyone of every culture as it no perticular writing on it in one language and this adverts isnt hard to understand however in very small writing underneath the mcdonalds logo they have the slogan 'im lovin' it' which is in british/american which suggests that this advert is in either countries where people speak the language. The layout has lots of medium sized images and arrows pointing to them with numbers at the bottom which makes it looks like different planets. This billboard is very eyecatching as its red and would instantly draw your attention to it as it just one solid block colour which makes the burgers stand out it almost looks like they are showing off there breakfast menus as the numbers are numbers from the morning and they are all foods from there mcbreakfastses.
Apple have used this billboard as its eyecatching. The target audience for this billboard is of a younger generation so mostly 15+ as the colours are bright and younger people are more 'in' with technology and are likely to listen to it on the go, these colours suit both genders so i would say its aimed at genders.The white background makes the ipod colours stand out even more and creates the illusion that the colour is oozing out of it. There is the typical apple logo in the right hand corner which represents apple showing its there product, The writing that is used shows that its english/american but as apple is a world wide company this product would be availible in other countries the writing colour is a multicoloured rainbow which fits with the product they are selling
For the layout it is kept quite simple with the images going across the middle and writing on the right hand side. The iPods aren't all perfectly placed in a line, they are 'messily' on a row with the 'ink' from the iPod running down the page which looks 3D to give audience a feel that they really are dripping. Maybe They decided to use this advert to show that there iPod is so new the paint hasn't even dried yet?
The typography that has been used will suit the audience as you'll recognise the apple logo so instantly be able to attach the product back to the brand, and the colour text stands out brightly on the billboard, also it has all the colours in the typography to match the iPods
This is a billboard for chanel sunglasses advert. This billboard is aimed at females aged 20+ in a demographic band of A-C1 you can immediately see that it aimed at higher class audience due to whats being shown in the advert as the billboard looks professional and because of the brand name.
for layout, the image is a close up studio shot and takes up half of the billboard space with the text on the left. it has a white background meaning the image and text stand out more and really capture your eye. I think the layout is simple due to it being aimed at a higher class target audience
The colour palette is kept to simple primary colours. of white black and yellow. he white being the background, the black being the clothes the models wearing and the yellow sunglasses. these colours all stand out against each other
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
website stories
Everyone craves a perfect all year round tan and some people even risk cancer from dangerous tanning booths or the humiliation of turning funny colours using fake tan, but I did something even more niave and stupid…
Unless you have never left your house or have an allergy to sunlight and keep completely covered up at all times everyone reading this article will have experience sunburn at some point in their lives…and you will know it is not a pleasant thing to experience.
Sunburn is an acute cutaneous inflammatory reaction that follows excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation and living in the coastal county of Cornwall we perhaps get the to see more than out fair share of human lobsters hobbling from the beaches and less extreme cases of red noses or shoulders due to sunburn.
Funny though it may be to see these people who have over indulged in sunshine it is no joke. Sunburn can cause long-lasting damage to the skin. Children are especially at risk: one blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence more than doubles a person's chances of developing skin cancer later in life. This is more of a reason why we should wear sun cream whenever we go out in the day during summertime, as it could save our ‘skin’ later on in life. Beaches are particular dangerous in the summertime with there high winds and chilled out ice creams and ciders its more than too easy too miss the high UVs the sun can project leaving with long term damage to the skin.
But I did not just ignore all of these sensible warnings, that I am now an expert on, I went to a whole new level of stupidity and decided to replace sun cream with cooking oil in the hopes of getting the ultimate tan. I think I had heard or read somewhere that this insane practice could give you the tan of your life and being young and niave I covered myself in cooking oil on one of the hottest days of the year before spending a hours in my back garden.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, to any sane person, by the time I attempted to stand and go back in doors I was crippled with pain and could barely move. I also started to suffer from all the extreme side effects of survear heat stroke. By the time my mum came home I was in such a critical condition she rushed me to hospital.
The hospital also warned me that I had significantly increased my chances of contracting skin cancer and told me to also stay visualent for the signs; spots or moles that change in size, shape, or color. Another important sign that I have to check for is a spot that looks different from all of the other spots on my skin.
Although my case was extreme, anyone who has had long exposure to the sun is at risk and you should always look out for the signs. If you notice any changes to moles or skin spots do not take the chance, book an appointment too see a go and see your GP as this could have a spiraling effect and land you in serious problems with your health if you ignore the warning signs.
Cornwall’s range of fashion isn't very wide like some cities which can make staying onto of the latest trends tricky unless you want to shop online – and where is the fun it that compared to spending a glorious day pacing the pavements and actually trying things on?
But if Cornwall was like the big Metro Cities then it would not be Cornwall would it? And part of the reason you choose to live there is the quaint local beauty.
If you go to a fishing village like Looe or Padstow you will mostly find that the men are wearing; sunglasses, flipflops and shorts even throughout the bitter cold months that we face, but lets face it girls the laid back beach style can look very HOT! And what do we really expect when there isn't a shopping mall in Cornwall or many designer shops? Lets also face it, one of the charms of Cornish men is that the latest fashion is usually the last thing on their minds and at least this means that people spend less time judging each other on whether or not they have the latest fashions…you have to love the laid back Cornish attitude!
However, women cannot always pull off the ‘laid back surf chick’ look as well as their male counter parts and this means we need to find somewhere to shop…especially for special occasions and I have found a few hidden gems for you to try that you might not have stumbled across in any of the bigger towns…
The first place I would check out for some more upmarket fashion is the coastal village of Rock that now plays host to an all year round Jack Wilce shop and a White Stuff!
If you need something a little more ‘dressy’ why not try the beautifully unique boutiques in the old market town of Wadebridge that have sprung up to meet the demands of second home owners and more affluent city tourists.
In short, thanks to the influx of the rich and famous North Cornwall is starting to become a hidden gem for fashion finds…ssshhhhhh! Don’t tell everyone because we would not want the Cornish charm to be spoilt by any major developers moving in! A noisy shopping center simply would not fit with thebeautiful peaceful landscapes that Cornwall has to offer.
Cornwall is blessed with beautiful sandy coasts and even
throughout the bleak chilly winter nights they still make a great spot to go for a long walk to find peace after a busy day. Or better still, perfect mini break getaway locations.
Cornwall is full of many beaches from Carbbis bay in St Ives to Summer Laze beach in Bude there are hundreds of beaches and coves to explore each with unique charm and beauty.
In 2012, for example, Bude was voted the 7th best beach destination in the UK by millions on trip advisor so if you want family friendly spaces with lots of local amenities Bude could be the perfect place to visit. However, if you are looking for a bit of upper class glamour the places to go are; Rock, Polzeath and Padstow that are the favorite haunts of the rich and famous… you may even be lucky enough to brush shoulders with some celebrities, like Kate Moss, who choose these locations as a getaway to unwind in when escaping their hectic non-stop lives. And who can blame them given the 5* standard Hotel and self-catering accommodation available in North Cornwall that when coupled with the stunning coast land makes for a 5* mini break. Rock, Padstow and Polzeath also boosts various cafes and restaurants, like the legendary Rick Steins, which allow you to eat delicious mouth watering food whilst watching the waves hit the sandy beach which is perfect for the cold stormy nights in the winter.
If you are looking for yet more luxury, why not try a spa break in Newquay or St. Ives?
Whatever you are looking for this winter, Cornwall’s coast has the perfect locations to escape and unwind.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
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