To find out how to make a successfull magazine I used survey monkey and made a questionairre which included sensible questions that people could fill out and help me with ideas on what people want in there college magazine. I posted the link to the questionairre on facebook however only 3 people managed to do it, to improve this next time I will send an email to my friends to get them to fill it out.

I found out that more females read the magazine than males, however its only slightly more so I will still keep to the unisex gender theme
From my survey monkey questionairre I found out that my target audience is mainly based from 14-16
however this might be because the only people that bothered to do my questionairre was aged from 14-16 but if more people took the questionairre I could have gotten more answers.
This shows the magazine is gunna be based between band C1 - E
This tells me that everyone that will read this magazine is british, or there is a high chance they'll be british
This shows that people dont normally read the magazine so I would have to look at what they dont like and like about the magazine and co operate those things into my magazine to make it better.
2 people dont like it because it doesnt appeal to them, lack of writing, colours and the image quality, and 3 people dont like it because of the layout, this tells me that I will have to make my magazine pretty much the opposite to the current magazine
Everyone that took the survey wanted a catchy mast head, 2 people wanted interesting typography and 1 people wanted good quality images and for it to show whats inside the magazine, so I will put catchy headings to give previews of whats inside, I will also try and find a good font to use.
From seeing this I know that I will deffinitly call my magazine Jouvie and everyone who done the questionnaire prefers the magazine to be called jouvie than any of the other names.
Your SurveyMonkey is starting to show proficient/excellent research skills, however you must make sure you analyse your results in more detail and link these results to your flat plans, images, typography choices and final product. Also, check your grammar you will lose a lot of marks for presentation if you overlook basic errors like 'i' not appearing as 'I.'